Researching the "Pyramid Effect" since 1973, and building since 2001. We CERTIFY in writing the quality of our products.
Our Beloved Piramicasa (Vital Pyramid), founded by Viky Sánchez and Gabriel Silva in 2001, consists of a set of Intellectual Rights registered in several countries. The philosophy that led us to create it was very clear: We work for the New Humanity, but necessarily based on market rules. It wouldn't be possible otherwise in a capitalist world.
Our products are partially handmade, although we can also offer them industrially.
We have the capability in Europe to offer products like the Pyramidbed and Pyramidhouse in the quantity you like, thanks to the companies we hire for each part of the realization. It has represented a significant challenge since it was developed by a multidisciplinary Scientific and Technical Team. Recently, market experts joined. The Osiris Team, which gives scientific support to our advances, is formed by more than forty professionals living in Spain, Cuba, Nicaragua, Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Venezuela, Costa Rica, USA, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, and France, and with many collaborators in other countries, with support from five direct associate collaborators and with representatives in several countries.
Piramicasa is not a commercial "company," it's not to "make money," but to produce a technological revolution that is already underway, in conjunction with other technical and scientific developers. Piramicasa legally works and invoices with different names. We have intellectual rights records in five countries and an industrial matrix in Argentina, Brazil, and Spain. Basic materials are produced in Germany, France, and Spain for Europe and in other countries for America.
Any material used in the manufacture of pyramids will produce an effect if given the conditions of proportion, orientation, etc.. Still, like anything that works, the use of inappropriate material can cause damage. Making homemade pyramids is only safe if you have been well instructed in all aspects and have the right materials.
The pyramid is an apparatus, besides from being a small-scale toy. Making a homemade pyramid for experiments is easy. However, a suitable one for sleeping like our Pyramidbed is not something simple and more difficult still to make it safe, and guarantee the absence of undesirable effects in the medium and long-term.
The Materials for pyramids to be used by living beings must be exclusively paramagnetic and with a high degree of purity. (absence of ferromagnetic and diamagnetic materials.)
Paramagnetic materials can be used alone or combined. Piramicasa manufactures only high-purity aluminum pyramids.
Our products, like any innovation, have obstacles that we overcome step by step, thanks to dozens of collaborators and thousands of users who have trusted us.
Pyramids were, are, and will be very revitalizing therapeutic chambers. Their effects have purely physical causes. They are not tombs but devices that treat and prevent several diseases. You can live or sleep in a "perfect" pyramid; they are the best remedy for any flu and many other rheumatic, sclerotic, traumatic, and physiological diseases.
"Pyramid energy" is terrestrial magnetism modified by the pyramidal form. Some ascertainments require from a simple to a quantum laboratory. Their research has demanded significant amounts of financial investments and the lifetime work of many.
The pyramid forms a "vortex," that causes particles to move within the pyramidal magnetic field with a centrifugal tendency. Then, the atomic tensions of the center of the pyramid are centripetal and tend to be negative. That quantum "negativity" attracts neutrinos, which are absorbed by the atoms of the exposed bodies (materials, humans, etc.). These atoms complete and recover mass, then form more stable molecules. That is why organic decomposition and oxidation of biological or inert materials, are inhibited.
Plus, in the pyramidal magnetic field, the particles move faster than in any other magnetic field of any form. Then, free radicals and any "loose" atoms are drag outward. Oxidation decreases, as explained in the previous paragraph, but also by the absence of free radicals.
Pyramidotherapy may not be the absolute Panacea, but it's the closest thing to it.
How do I know you are not another scam?
The dissemination of the pyramidal topic - unfortunately, distorted as has happened with all the important developments in history - we have kept with extreme care and seriousness, without exaggerations or "mystical delusions," with a strictly scientific basis. We don't rush to sell anything, and we communicate until everything is clear. We CERTIFY in writing the quality of our products.
What is the difference between Piramicasa and Vital Pyramid?
Vital Pyramid is the representation of Piramicasa in English.
Why are the costs of your pyramids so high?
For us, the diffusion and use of pyramids is a work of conscience. We would like to live in a world where there is no need to "sell" our service.
The manufacture of high-quality pyramids requires expensive industrial processes; economic pyramids are limited only to those made out of wood. However, they need much more weight to produce the same results as high purity aluminum. The construction of pyramids is a technical and medical responsibility.
The correctly built pyramid has these characteristics: Antirheumatic, myorelaxant, antibacterial (bacteriostatic, doesn't damage the intestinal flora), anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, sedative, and all that without side effects. But a pyramid containing ferromagnetic or diamagnetic materials (even those of poor quality aluminum) is a risk that Piramicasa will never take. That's why we CERTIFY in writing the quality of our products.
So, magnetic, geographic, or cosmic north to orient a pyramid?
The Agona should not be confused with the Isogona Cero. The Isogona Cero is a line with the same magnetic declination that traverses the world from pole to pole (magnetic, of course). There are only TWO (the Panamerican and Panasian that also cross Australia, Europe, and Africa).
How do I know a "Piramicama" will work in my bedroom?
You indicate the exact address to us (to see it in the maps of isogonic and others) and the room's measurements (length and width), and we do the checking for you. However, a test with the compass must be done by yourself since the geopathic and local magnetic anomalies can't be seen in the maps.
The first thing we must do is make sure that the Piramicama® (square base) fits in the bedroom, so we need to know its length, width, and orientation concerning the magnetic North.
Assuming the worst case, a 45º deviation of the room, to the magnetic north, the necessary space will be 3.2 x 3.2 meters for our Hercules model. In an optimal orientation, it will occupy 2.4 x 2.4 meters.
How do you ship big pyramids?
In the case of a Sekhmet or a Vital, we ship only the aluminum structure, grill of discharge, sodering machine, and detailed plans directly to the land or the nearest airport. We also include approximate material and construction costs in the area for the client to hired local workers.
How do I buy your pyramids?
Initial contact
- Once you have chosen a product; Contact us by email with any questions you may have.
- We get back to you and communicate until everything is clear.
- We determine the dates for payment and shipping or installation, depending on the case.
Payment & Shipping
- Once made the payment via Bank transfer, MoneyGram, Western Union, or Paypal depending on the case, we proceed to send or install the pyramids according to the agreed date.